Colette Blakewell volunteer bio photo

Colette has been a Resident of Second Life for 10+ years. She was originally drawn to the live music scene SL had to offer, hearing musicians from all over the world practice their talents. Her interests then expanded to exploring picturesque sims, giving residents makeovers, hosting/managing at clubs and dancing in artist shows. Colette is an avid supporter of Relay for Life and is (slowly) learning to love photography.

Her many ventures have lead to meeting lots of people and forming strong, meaningful friendships.

10 Random Facts About Colette:
1. Loves the Northeast USA, especially in the fall.
2. Has been whitewater rafting.
3. Is planning to spend a month in Italy next year.
4. In the last few years, has become a genealogy nerd.
5. Dog mom and aspiring rescuer to all the dogs.
6. Became a late-blooming Swifty and now she can’t get enough.
7. Never met a cannoli she didn’t like.
8. True crime documentaries are her jam!
9. Has been to 100+ concerts in RL with no signs of stopping.
10. Bucket list travel spots: Iceland + Japan.