Killlashandra Lavendel (Shandra) has been wandering around Second Life for over 13 years and can usually be found at educational events, (yes they are here in Second Life too). She is the Social Chair for Virtual Worlds Best Practices and Education annual spring conference ( She has a PhD in Organization Information and Learning Sciences with a focus on instructional design and social presence in virtual worlds. Often, Shandra can be found lurking in the audience of industrial music DJs and venues, art gallery openings, real life music performers amazing audiences here in Second Life and walking her cats around beautiful regions. She often photographs events and places while she’s out and about the virtual lands.

10 Random Facts About Shandra:
1. Coded Oregon Trail in DOS when the first IBM computer arrived in her house.
2. She plays video games on console and PC forever!
3. Has two cats in RL and over 20 KittyCats! in SL.
4. Has never found her RL tattoo in SL.
5. Likes milk in her tea.
6. Has used the nickname Killlashandra (Shandra) since 1998.
7. She has traveled to 4 out of 7 continents in RL.
8. Her favorite author is William Gibson.
9. She Loves dry heat and sunshine with mountains in the distance.
10. Is a green chile lover.