
Lanne has been in SL for over 15 years. It’s things like The Nature Collective that keep her interested and enthusiastic about this virtual world. Places she loves to visit? The list is a long one – and sadly many of her favorites are no longer around – but such is the pace of (second)life, right?

Lanne loves any of the builds by her longtime friend Terry Fotherington, Bardeco, Frogmore, Sainte Rose/Sur/Mer, Garrigua, Pemberly, Tonarino. She loved the builds of AM Radio and Morton Funk’s Highwater and Northwood and misses them. She is really excited about all of the new places she is discovering through this group.

Ten Random Facts About Lanne:

  1. An avid photographer in both lives,
  2. She has had small venues in-world that host house music DJ’s since 2008. Bebu Sunday Sessions are at 11am or 1pm slt. come on over –
  3. Lanne Wise keeps some of her musings here:
  4. Part of her summers are spent on an island in the Great Lakes
  5. She doesn’t like her coffee sweet, but only drinks Earl Grey tea with milk and cinnamon honey from her neighbor’s bees.
  6. Making paper from the plants in her garden is a ongoing studio practice of hers
  7. She has dozens of dogs in SL and in RL has two Jack Russel terriers
  8. A friend brought her a dozen seed pods from Monet’s Garden. Their descendants have grown in her garden every spring for years
  9. Latest spiritual experience: Watching the northern lights on the shore of Lake Superior
  10. Favorite Author: Louise Erdrich