Amelia Trueheart

Amelia was first introduced to Second Life by a friend who was immersed in the role-playing world, 15 years ago. After several years of role-playing herself, the interest for that fizzled out. In an effort to find something meaningful to do with her time, she began blogging. First, it was on her own. Blogging stores, of all sorts, that she found interesting. Her first “official” store that she blogged for was Sass. Now she blogs for Aardvark, which is how she discovered The Nature Collective, through their connected sim, Highland Hills. In the past, she worked for a makeover clinic, and still enjoys avatar creation (she’s currently a gothy grandma named Esmeralda. Wrinkles, gray hair and all). She also enjoys photography and learning about it, exploring, helping others, and small communities.

10 Random Facts About Ame:

  1. She doesn’t have a favorite color, but you’ll usually see her in black. So maybe she does?
  2. She got her first tattoo at 42. She’s still not sure how people become ‘ink addicted’.
  3. She is a dog mom and loves animals.
  4. She wants to have a farm one day.
  5. She has a love for documentaries.
  6. She enjoys learning new things.
  7. Halloween and Christmas are her favorite holidays, but spring and autumn are her favorite seasons.
  8. She believes that magic exists, even though she’s an Aquarius and it goes against her logical side….or whatever.
  9. She met her RL partner in SL.
  10. She is an introvert and prefers small gatherings of people. When given an option between small talk and discussion on a topic, she’ll choose the discussion every time.