Tony Azure is a fun-loving Brit who enjoys the wild side. A Second Life resident for five years, he has spent the past two developing a deep appreciation and passion for capturing the beauty of the many wonderful and diverse landscapes created in-world. Using both Firestorm and Black Dragon, he creates content that best showcases these virtual scenes on Flickr and Facebook, where he has meticulously built a steady fan base and collaborates with other creators of both content and environments.

When not taking pictures and creating content, Tony enjoys doting on his wife, caring for her as a devoted and loving husband. He delights in sharing his latest in-world discoveries with her while she’s offline.

10 Random Facts About Tony:

  1. Enjoys picture taking in SL.
  2. Loves to shop in SL.
  3. Has two dogs in RL.
  4. Favorite colour is blue, but mostly buys black clothes.
  5. Enjoys listening to music.
  6. Had a passion for cars in RL.
  7. Enjoys a good home-cooked meal.
  8. Loves a big cup of tea, but no coffee!
  9. Likes spending time sim exploring in Second Life.
  10. Wishes he could TP places in RL.