Thely discovered Second Life in 2004, and signed up immediately. She fell in love with it and has never looked back. She is a lover of all things nature, especially the woods and the ocean, so TNC is the perfect home for her. She has a small forest and sculpture garden called Woodhollow on the mainland region of Sirtony, and is currently working on landscaping her region Woodsong to be another natural destination for the residents of SL to enjoy.

Thely has tried many things in SL, and especially loves exploring the wild and unique places. She is constantly in awe of the creative brilliance of her fellow residents. Being the Volunteer Coordinator for TNC is her dream role, as it’s a way to share her love of nature with others.  When not exploring, Thely loves to attend live concerts and other events, help new residents as part of her SL Mentor role, and shop. Her inventory is out of control. Thely hates to let anything go, and still has the first box of free clothing a kind person gave her on her first day in SL.

10 Random Facts About Thely:

  1. Thely’s has been in SL for more than 20 years. She has never been away for SL for more than a couple of months, except for the year she lived in Greece and had no internet.
  2. She and her SL partner Kasanda had their first home together in SL in 2004. They have been married in RL since 2006.
  3. Thely and her hubby have lived in three different countries, and currently live in the UK.
  4. She has ADHD which causes her to get excited about new things and then learn everything she can about them.
  5. Thely is a trained singer and performed with the New Jersey opera. She has also sung at Carnegie Hall and in the Kremlin with a professional choir.
  6. She is ambidextrous. She writes with her left hand but mouses with her right.
  7. Thely was a scuba instructor for several years and has done more than 3000 dives.
  8. Thely is short for Thelxepia, which is the name of one of the sirens in Greek myth.  It’s pronounced Theh-lee.
  9. Her spirit animal is the sloth, but her favourite animal is the wolf.
  10. Thely’s happy place in RL is the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York, USA.