How many times have you wanted to seek out and explore beautifully creative nature spaces in Second Life but haven’t been sure where to find such spaces or aren’t sure where to go next? That’s why we are here! The Nature Collective strives to help re-ignite your passion for all things nature and to help you get out and explore more nature-related spaces in Second Life. We want to help you immerse yourself and get lost in all of the wondrous creativity that our Nature Creators have crafted and inspire you to carry that passion out into the real world.

You can find a list of places to explore in the Explorer Journal. You can also learn more about your favorite nature creators and the spaces they’ve created by checking out the Creator Spotlight section. If you’re curious about the Volunteers who work hard behind the scenes to make The Nature Collective as awesome as is it, you can check out our Volunteer Staff section. If you would like to be kept up to date on any new additions to The Nature Collective website, then please make sure to subscribe to our site updates – you can do this by entering your name and email address at the bottom right-hand corner of this page where it says “Subscribe for Updates”. And last but not least, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or if you’re a Nature Creator who would like to join The Nature Collective, please use our contact form to message us.

Thank you and happy exploring!